

The Great Physician Now is Near - 12.22.2024 Bulletin

The Great Physician Now is Near

The sympathizing Jesus. I must say that after a week of influenza which included a trip to urgent care, I am reminded of my appreciative trepidation of doctors. I know that doctors do good work and are a necessary part of any society, but oftentimes they may go unappreciated. I think a major part of that is because going to a doctor isn't most people's idea of "fun". Even if you are in good health and going for a routine checkup, there's a bit of fear of "Is this the day they find something not quite right?" To say nothing of the fact that it's just not an enjoyable use of a day to have to go sign paperwork, sit in an office, give your vitals and be declared healthy. And if you are sick like I was, well now it's worse, because you actively feel bad. And as we all know, when you tell a doctor what hurts, their first instinct is to poke it and make it hurt worse as part of their examination. I exaggerate of course, but I can't imagine too many people look forward to doctor visits of any kind for one reason or another.

But however uncomfortable or tedious a doctor visit might be, we ultimately know its a good thing for a good cause. Even the healthiest among us need checkups to keep up good health; and if you are sick or developing a condition it's better to get it examined and begin treatment sooner than later. Treatments aren't the most fun thing ever, especially if it requires operation. But whether it's a root canal at the dentist or a surgery on an internal organ, ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away or get better. It just festers and gets worse until you have to do something about it, which is usually the point you wish you'd handled it earlier when it was simpler.

Needless to say, the same is true for Jesus the Greatest Physician, and His treatments of sin. He is the only one capable of handling sin, which has the highest interactivity rate on the planet. It is the oldest and most prolific pandemic that humanity has ever faced as it has been afflicting us ever since the first two humans existed, and persists to this day. It is present on every continent including Antarctica and even off the planet on the International Space Station. Untreated, it has an incubation period of anywhere from a few minutes to possibly decades, yet always proves fatal in the end. Both genders and every race is highly susceptible to the contagion and there are no man-made cures available. And insurance won't cover it either.

The only cure for the contagion of sin is Divine blood transfusion, administered by God Himself when one is baptized and becomes a Christian. Fortunately this cure proves 100% effective at nullifying the spreading and growth of sin, though scarring may occur. In some ways a diagnosis of sin isn't required, as all humans have been infected with it at some point or another once they are able to discern right from wrong. A referral is required to the appropriate Doctor however, as there is only one Name under Heaven which is able to prescribe this treatment. Treatment consists of hearing, believing, repenting, confession, and finally being baptized. Prognosis shows complete reduction of sin into nothingness so long as the individual remains in the care of this Doctor and does not re-contaminate themself. And while this Doctor does not charge a financial price for treatment, it may cost the individual to give up certain vices and habits or lifestyles to avoid re-contamination. As we mentioned earlier, sin is virulent and everywhere, so the individual must be on constant guard to avoid relapsing. The treatment is 100% effective as long as the patient accepts it and does not depart from it.

As mentioned however, scarring may occur, and sin often leaves its mark on those it has infected even after treatment. The contagion is well and truly eliminated, but there may be signs of scarring from sin, an unfortunate side effect of its ruthlessness. However, the infection will be removed by treatment, and patients are able to make full recoveries and go on to live happy and fulfilling lives. Many have even said it feels like "a new life" after receiving treatment, and are always very thankful to the Doctor for His treatment.

So whether you're going to church for your "weekly checkup" or you are in need of an excising of sin, never fail to seek out the Greatest Physician Who offers the only known cure for this most deadly disease.



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