

Doing the Will of God - 11.17.2024 Bulletin

Doing the Will of God

   Matthew 7:24-27

Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:24-27 are the end of His sermon on the mount which begins in Matthew 5.  Some men have discounted Jesus’ sermon on the mount as unrealistic because it is such a high standard.  The sermon on the mount truly is a high standard, especially when compared to society’s standard; but it is not unrealistic, it can be obeyed and it must be obeyed to have eternal life.  Jesus states to hear His words and not obey, He compares that to a foolish man who builds a house on a foundation of sand.  That house is going to fall and great will be the fall of it because it will result in spiritual ruin or destruction.  In contrast, is the man who hears the words of Jesus and doth them.  Jesus compares this to a wise man who builds a house on a foundation of rock, this house stands and doesn’t fall resulting in spiritual (eternal) life.

Who would build a literal house on a foundation of sand?  In the physical realm of life, no one.  But in the religious, spiritual realm of life, many build on sand.  Many people believe and do foolish things in religion that they wouldn’t do in the physical realm of life.  For example, one could liken the Bible to a map for mankind on how to get from earth to heaven.  If a person treated a physical map or atlas like many treat the Bible, one can see clearly that many in religion are building on sand.  Consider, what good is a physical atlas (map) that has had roads and towns removed that really exist?  Or roads and towns added that don’t really exist?  Or a map that shows a road going north and south when, in fact, that road goes east and west.  An atlas like this is useless as a guide and would be thrown away.  But many treat the Bible this way by adding to it, or taking from it, or distorting what it teaches and think the map is still valid as a guide.  It’s not.

How sad it will be for a person to follow a map for years thinking it is leading him to Heaven, only to find out when the end comes, that he wasn’t following (traveling) the right road and has arrived at the wrong destination.  Further, now there is nothing he can do about it.  This is extremely sad and many are doing this in religion.

We can’t be too careful about searching the scriptures with an honest and good heart to make sure we’re on the right and only road that leads from earth to Heaven.  We do this by following the true map (guide) given to man from God that has not been distorted, changed, or altered in any way by men.  The Bereans in Acts 17:11 “were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”  Also, Jesus taught in Matthew 7:21-23 “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doth the will of my Father which is in heaven.  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?  And in thy name have cast out devils?  And in thy name done many wonderful works?  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

True wisdom is found in hearing and obeying the commands of God.  Paul writes in Ephesians 5:15-16, “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”


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