

Be Thankful God Doesn’t Divorce Us - 9.8.2024 Bulletin

Be Thankful God Doesn’t Divorce Us

Over time American culture has placed less and less value on the marriage relationship. You might hear of celebrities getting married one weekend and divorced by the next. While some people are on their third or even fourth marriage. On top of this, states have made it easier for couples get divorced. The problem stems from people getting into marriages without fully considering what marriage truly means. This sad situation has caused many broken homes, hostile or unhealthy relationships, bitterness, and the like. Something good coming from a divorce is the exception rather than the rule. When Jesus laid the one ground for divorce, the disciples said to Him, “If such is the case of a man with his wife, it is better not to marry” (John 19.10). The disciples were not wrong. It is better to not marry, than to jump headlong into a marriage without first seriously considering what marriage is and means.

While western civilization has lessened the value of marriage, God places an extremely high value on the marriage between a man and a woman. One could even make the argument based on the biblical language used to describe the marriage relationship, it is the second most important relationship a person can engage in, only next to a person’s relationship with God and Christ. In the union of Adam and Eve we read, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2.24). Jesus repeats this in Matthew 19.5. In both Gensis 2.24, and Matthew 19.5 the man and woman are described as becoming “one flesh.” Two people becoming one. From this we see just how important marriage is to God.

As referenced earlier, God has only given one, yes one, ground for spouses to divorce. “And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery” (Matthew 19.9 NKJV). There it is, sexual immorality is the only ground on which a scriptural divorce can take place. Even then only the innocent party can remarry if they choose to do so.

While God allows for divorce on this one ground, God would rather the two reconcile and the marriage remain intact. Even though sexual immorality is an heinous act, it can be overcome, forgiveness can be reached, and it is possible to move forward. If God forgives us of our wicked sinful nature, we can forgive one another. It may mean separating (not divorcing) for a period of time to allow for healing. But reconciliation should be the first option considered. Why would God want the two to reconcile rather than divorce? God hates divorce, “For the LORD God of Israel says, that He hates divorce” (Malachi 2.16a). Also, in Matthew 19.6 before Jesus gives the one reason for divorce He says, “Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” While God gives a reason for divorce, forgiveness is greater and shows the love of God.

I write all this to say this, we need to be thankful God doesn’t divorce us when we break our vows to Him. James 4.4 says, “You adulterous people!” (ESV). If one becomes unfaithful, they commits spiritual adultery against God. Yet He forgives us if we repent. Throughout the New Testament, the church, that is Christians, God’s people, are spoken of as the bride of Christ (2 Corinthians 11.2; Ephesians 5.24-28). When we become a Christian, we marry ourselves to Christ in a sense, then it is to Christ we must remain faithful, as a husband to his wife and wife to her husband. When we fail to remain faithful to Christ, it is seen as spiritual adultery and breaking the vow that we made to Him. Israel of the Old Testament was familiar with the husband-and-wife imagery, as God was a husband to His people, and they were His bride (Isaiah 54.4). Israel often broke their relationship with God. Hosea 9.1 tells of how Israel “played the whore, forsaking your God” and they would be punished for that decision. The life of a Christian is to be lived in faithfulness to God. James goes on to write in the same verse, “Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” We cannot have it both ways. We can’t be faithful to God, while playing the harlot with the world. God expects us to remain faithful to Him, and Him alone. But we will never be perfect, and God knows this, which is why His love, mercy, and grace is so great to forgive our faults when we acknowledge them to Him.

Forgiveness is not an excuse to sin. God knows the difference between a person trying to live faithfully and fails from time to time, and the unfaithful person who makes no effort to live a life of righteousness and does not change. As spouse a may be able to get past one sexual deviance, but multiple will certainly test their patience, and question their loyalty to their marriage, and divorce will be sought. But there is coming a time for all when God’s patience will run out, and all will have to face judgement. At that time, there will be no more forgiveness, and no more repentance. We must live each day faithfully to God and thank Him daily for His blessing of forgiveness.


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