

May Theses Not Be Found in You - 11.26.2023 Bulletin

May Theses Not Be Found in You

The Bible speaks of many characteristics a disciple of Christ must possess. Romans 12.9-21 gives the “true marks of a Christian,” 2 Peter 1.5-10 lists the “Christian graces,” and Galatians 5.22-23 tells of the “fruits of the spirit.” Each of us must work to mold our lives by these qualities, as they were seen in Christ the ultimate example. Logic tells us, if there are characteristics that we need to have, then there are ones we need to avoid, and must be avoided at all costs because they are a detriment to discipleship.

In Matthew 23 Jesus says of the Scribes and Pharisees “they preach and do not practice” (v. 3), then goes on to call them “hypocrites” six times (vv. 13-30), condemning them for how they are acting. A “hypocrite” is one “who puts on a false appearance or acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs” (Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary). Disciples of Christ are to live in harmony with what we teach, it is the only way to spread the gospel message. Christ set the example that we must follow. In no way is Christ a “false appearance,” everything He does is genuine and true. The faith of the hypocrite will crumble when trials come. Our faith must be genuine to be able to stand the test (1 Peter 1.6-7).

Another characteristic that will prevent us from walking properly with the Lord, is an apathetic heart. A heart filled with apathy is one that lacks feeling or emotion. Have we allowed ourselves to become so callous that we are no longer affected by what is going on in the world around us? Paul warns the Ephesian brethren about becoming “callous” or “past feeling” (ASV) (Ephesians 4.19). Apathy or callousness prevents us from having the proper attitude toward others, as well as makes us more susceptible to the temptations of the devil. In Mark 6.34 a great number of people had gathered, and the text says that Jesus “felt compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd.” So, what did Jesus do? He began to teach them many things. There are still many today who are wandering like a sheep without a shepherd that need to hear the teaching of Jesus. In Luke 10 Jesus is giving the parable of the good Samaritan. The reason the Samaritan is the hero of the story is because “he felt compassion” (v. 33) on the man who fell among thieves. Jesus ends the account by telling those listening to “Go and do the same” (v. 37). We cannot allow ourselves to become emotionally closed off like the Priest and the Levite to not see those who need help.

Romans 12.19 says, “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord.” A disciple of Christ is not to possess a heart that seeks to “get even” when wronged. Depending on the severity of the wrong, it can be difficult to control our mind to not want immediate revenge against the person. We must learn to control our emotions and do what is necessary to live peaceably and harmoniously with all people (Romans 12.17-18). If anyone had the right to call down immediate revenge for all the Jews put Him through was Jesus. He could have very well done so (Matthew 26.53). But He continued to endure the pain of the cross, and instead said “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23.34). Jesus instead chose to forgive instead of seeking revenge. You might say, “Jesus was God on earth, and perfect, I can’t do that.” Stephen a mere human like us, uttered similar words when he was being stoned to death by the mob for proclaiming the gospel message, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them” (Acts 7.60). While it can be difficult no not want vengeance and revenge for the wrongs done to us, vengeance is reserved for God. Because any who fail to repent will face a far greater punishment than anything we can dole out.

Derek Steen

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