

The Path to Contentment - 10.8.2023 Bulletin

The Path to Contentment

Looking at society one of the things we struggle with is satisfaction. People aren’t satisfied with what they have, instead we are groomed by advertisements to need the latest and greatest. Many are not satisfied with who they are or what they look like. This is not a reference to a desire to make changes to live a healthier life or make subtle changes to our appearance. Many go to drastic extremes to change how they look in the name of beauty. At its core this is one of the problems that led to the now growing issue of transgenderism. Many are not satisfied with God’s word. Paul warned Timothy that some will even use godliness as a means of gain (1 Timothy 6.3-5). But Paul says, “godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world” (1 Timothy 6.6-7). So then, how can we be content in a society that is unsatisfied? Philippians 4.5-8 provides the path for us to take.

Contentment starts by having the right mindset. Paul writes “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (v. 8). If we are not thinking right, then of course we are going to be more susceptible to disappointment. If we have a mind of greed or covetousness, then all we are going to want is more and more stuff to try and prove that we’re better than the next person, and stuff becomes our idol. If we have a mind of envy or jealously, we should not be surprised if we are constantly comparing ourselves with other people, why we don’t look like them, dress like them, have their personality or the same skills they do. By setting our thoughts on higher and nobler things, the trivial differences will no longer bother us. We can focus on ways we can serve the Lord and live as He would have us to.

After we realize we need to have the right mindset, we need to take worry out with the trash. I realize this is much easier said than done. Paul wrote to the Philippians, “do not be anxious about anything” (v. 6a). How is this possible when life is constantly coming at us, and there is so much going on around us. What does Jesus say in Matthew 6.33, “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” This does not mean for us to be lazy and watch the blessings roll in, but instead not give them undue attention to the point of neglecting our responsibilities as Christians. When our focus is on Christ first, and we put things in the proper perspective, we will find ourselves less anxious about everything else.

The next step on the path to contentment is praying often. Paul writes “but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (v. 6b). Prayer is another way to combat anxiety when it comes. God is the sustainer of life, and the source of all blessings. There is so much we can be thankful for even on our worst days. One saying that has always stuck with me is, “everyday may not be good, but there is something good in every day.” In those moments when we begin to feel discontented, we need to look for the good, then go to God in prayer in thanksgiving for all He has given us and has done for us.

We then must realize when we walk with the Lord, we can have peace (v. 7a). The reason our society lacks contentment, is because they are looking for peace in all the wrong places. Nothing in this world will provide the peace and security God can provide (John 14.27). Instead of looking to God for peace people will look to lives of sin and debauchery. Or they will spend more time working with the idea more money will bring comfort, and then with that money spend it on stuff thinking that will do the trick. The only way to find true peace in this life is by obeying the commands of the Lord and walking with Him. The “rat race” doesn’t consume the disciple of Christ. The peace God’s gives surpasses all our understanding. The child of God is unable to truly understand the depth of peace which gives us the energy to keep the faith.

Finally, this peace not only provides comfort, but it also provides protection (v. 7b). The peace of God is able to guard and protect our hearts and minds. When our lives are dedicated to doing the will of the Lord, God watches over us. This peace protects us from the evil desires that come our way. When our hearts are set towards obedience to God, we won’t have a desire to give into those temptations to find peace somewhere else.

True contentment can only be found in God, and a life lived in obedience to Him. Until a person realizes this, they will never be satisfied. 

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