

Sin: The Problem and Solution - 8.20.2023 Bulletin

Sin: The Problem and Solution

If there is one point in history where society has been the worst off, it would have been the time right before the flood. Genesis 6.5-6 tells us “the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thought of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth.” What a sad state. God who created mankind and called him good, was now sorry He had made man. Even though society today is filled with wickedness, it has not reached this point. Our perception of society is viewed through the lens of the time we are living. But it’s hard to not feel like people are as casual and comfortable with sin as they have ever been. There is nothing causal or comfortable about sin. It is important to recognize the danger of it, and not take part in it.

What is sin? Romans 3.23 says “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” While Vines dictionary defines sin as “a missing of the mark.” Combining the two, it is a missing of the mark by falling short of God’s glory. The “mark” is the commands God has given in His word to which all are accountable (Romans 3.19). When we act in a way that is in direct opposition to what God’s word says, it is sin. Romans 3.23 makes it known that sin is not a “Christian” problem but a “world” problem, all have sinned. A person doesn’t begin to sin when they gain a knowledge of God’s word, only a realization of the sin in their lives, but sin is there regardless of the knowledge or not.

Why is sin so bad? Sin separates us from God (Isaiah 59.2). While a person is in sin, they cannot have fellowship with God or Christ. 1 John 1.5 says, “God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.” Light and dark are polar opposites, the two cannot exist together. This separation from God, if not corrected, leads to spiritual death. Death is the just recompence for sinful actions, it is what we deserve. God is just to lend out this punishment.

What is the answer? God did not leave us without an answer to the problem of sin. The answer is the blood of Christ. This plan was orchestrated before the beginning of the world (Ephesians 1.4-6; 1 Peter 1.19-20). God sent His only begotten Son into the world, to live a perfect life, and to become the perfect sacrifice. Christ became sin to pay the debt of our sins in order that we might be reconciled unto God (2 Corinthians 5.21). One of the most beautiful passages in the Bible is Romans 5.6-10 because it details both the state of man and the love of God. Three words are used to describe the state of man when Christ came, “ungodly,” “sinners,” and “enemies.” Yet God loved us when we were unlovable, sending Christ to die for us, to provide us with the opportunity to come back to Him.

God has given mankind this great gift, now how do we respond? Once a person believes that Christ is the Son of God, and came to save mankind, it is necessary for them to be baptized. Through baptism we access the blood of Christ and wash ourselves clean of the former sinful man, and begin our walk with Christ, putting to death the old man of sin (Romans 6.3-4; 1 Peter 3.21). Isaiah 59.1 says, “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; not His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” No person is too far gone that God will not grant forgiveness if they are willing to respond to the gospel call. After becoming a new creature, we are to no longer return to the old life of sin, that person and those things are now dead to us. Instead, we pursue the things of God, and obedience to His commandments (Colossians 3.1-4). But this doesn’t mean we have become perfect; we will still sin from time to time. There is a difference in continuing in sin, and a single misstep. If we are striving to live as God commanded the blood of Christ will continue to cleanse us when we ask for forgiveness for our sins (1 John 1.7-9).

Sin is a serious problem that many people take to lightly. Cleansing ourselves from sin and living a life according to God will, is the only way we will make it to heaven. Let us do our part to both keep our own lives clean, but also alert others of the cleansing that is available through Christ.

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