

Exchanging the Truth - 8.6.2023 Bulletin

Truth: Part 3

Exchanging the Truth

“For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever.” (Romans 1.25 NASB1995)

In our previous articles on truth, we discussed the importance of knowing the truth of God’s word, then being able to speak the truth in a loving manner to those who need to hear it. Knowing the truth and speaking the truth are our responsibility. The final part of our truth series will focus on the danger of exchanging the truth. Unfortunately, this is something many have done and we must be on guard not to do the same.

We must start by recognizing the truth has been made evident (Romans 1.19-20). God has made himself and the truth known. He has not hidden it, kept it a secret, or only made it available to certain people. Creation itself, as well as the sustaining of the world are evidence of God’s power, and His revealing of truth. People must make the choice if they are going to know the truth or ignore the truth. The excuses of truth having not been revealed or is incapable of being known are invalid.

Why do people then exchange the truth? Romans 1.21 says, “For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks.” First, some people are indifferent to God, and are not thankful for what God has done. They have forgotten about God, and instead substitute something else in place of God in their lives. Despite God revealing the truth, they have failed to learn more about Him, and grow in the knowledge of God’s word. This lack of knowledge then leads to them worshiping something else (Ephesians 4.17-19).

The second reason why people exchange the truth is because they think they are wise (Romans 1.22). Instead of seeking wisdom from God’s word they instead seek wisdom from other sources. By these alternative sources many think they have become wise, and have gained superior knowledge. As a result, they may even look down upon and belittle those who believe in God’s word. Even going as far to claim they are more “progressive” or “enlightened.” But in reality they have become fools, “Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world” (1 Corinthians 1.20).

The final reason people exchange the truth is they would rather serve themselves than God (Romans 1.23-25). By doing so thy are choosing to serve the corruptible man, instead of the incorruptible God. The message of the gospel is denial, humility and submission. These characteristics are the opposite of what many want. Many would rather indulge in the desires of the flesh, have a prideful attitude, and view people through the lens of “what can you do for me.”

What those who exchange the truth fail to realize is, to give up the truth is to believe a lie instead. The ideal life the world sells, one of self indulgence in the desires of the flesh and greed, is a lie and doesn’t bring a person ultimate fulfillment. But this is the lie the devil has been selling since the garden of Eden, when he tempted Eve by saying “You surely will not die” (Genesis 3.4). The sad reality is some would rather believe a lie and live in a lie than face the realities of their decisions. They are comfortable where they are, and would rather stay that way than make a change. Change can be hard, especially when it’s something that has been going on for a long time. But we can’t continue to believe the lies satan sells. The only path to a life of ultimate fulfillment is in service to God, and obedience to the commands found in His word. This path leads to a joyful life while here on earth, and in the life to come. “The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person” (Ecclesiastes 12.13).

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