

Choosing the Good Part - 7.16.2023 Bulletin

Choosing the Good Part - Luke 10.38-42

In this passage Jesus enter the home of Martha and Mary, the two sisters of Lazarus. Martha welcomed Jesus into their home and she began to serve Him, while her sister Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to His teaching. Martha being left to serve alone troubled her enough to say to Jesus “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me” (v. 40). Jesus responds to her by saying, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her” (vv. 41b-42). There is a contrast in priorities of the two sisters, Martha seemed to have more concern for the physical, while Mary chose the spiritual. Jesus does not rebuke Martha for her serving, but calls her “worried and troubled” or “anxious and troubled” (ESV). Martha was so wrapped up in serving that she neglected what was most important.

Where do our priorities lie? Are we so caught up in the world that we neglect our service to the Lord? Jobs are needed to provide for ourselves and our families, but is your job putting you in a position that causes you to compromise your faith by engaging in sinful acts? Is it taking you away from assembling with the saints? Have you become so caught up in chasing the money, that you have lost interest, or don’t have time to chase after the faith by studying God’s word? Jobs and the pursuit of riches are the best examples of modern day idols. If a person’s work is preventing them from carrying out the work of the Lord, then its time to consider a change.

It’s nice to have friends, but are they influencing you more than you are them? Are they participating in activities that a child of God should avoid?  Are they constantly trying to take you away from God instead of helping you grow closer to Him? It can be hard to sever ties, but if is done to keep ourselves unspotted from the world then it is worth it. Instead we should seek association with people of a like-minded faith and cherish these relationships. We should look for opportunities to be around such people. This is how we grow together.

Similar questions should be asked about our hobbies, the TV shows we watch, the music we listen to, or the things we read. Not everything in the world is harmful or sinful, there is much good, but we must set our priorities in the proper order.

If we put these worldly matters ahead of the things of God, then we are like Martha who chose to take care of the household serving, instead of being like Mary who chose to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to His teaching. The things of this world will one day pass away, they have no purpose beyond this physical world. But Jesus praised Mary because she chose that “which will not be taken away from her.” The things of God will last forever, they will not be taken away, they have benefit both in this life and the one to come. So when it comes to priorities, which will you put first, that which will last forever, or that which has an end? The choice seems easy.

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